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Англо-русский биологический словарь - animal


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Перевод с английского языка animal на русский



alpha animalanamniotic animalamniotic animalsarticulated animalsbeta animalbilateral animalsbovine animalscarnivorous animalchiropterous animalscheiropterous animalschordate animalsclean animalcloven-hoofed animalcoelomate animalscold-blooded animalcontrol animalconventional animalcud-chewing animaldetritophagous animaldomestic animalexperimental animalflower animalsfour-footed animalfur-bearing animalfur-producing animalgame animalgerm-free animalgnawing animalsgraminivorous animalherbivorous animalhoofed animalhorned animalhypothalamic animalinbred animalinjurious animalintact animaljawless animalsjointed-footed animalsjointed-legged animalsjointed-limbed animalskey-industry animalsmature animallaboratory animalmany-celled animalsmultiparous animalnaive animalnonruminant animalnoxious animalnuisance animalomnivorous animalorgan-grafted animalphosphorescing animalpreying animalprimed animalreservoir animalruminant animalsegmented animalssemidomesticated animalsentinel animalsolid-hoofed animalspinal animalsplenectomized animalstationary animalstressed animalstuffed animalsurveillance animalsusceptible animaltest animalthalamic animaltrained animalwhole animalwing-handed animalswood-boring animalyoung animal

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  kingdom животное царство ANIMAL lymph вакцина ANIMAL  1. noun  1) животное  2) coll. скотина Syn: beast, brute, creature  2. adj. животный; скотский animal bones - костяная мука (удобрение) animal reeding/husbandry amer. - животноводство animal traction - конная тяга; вьючные перевозки animal spirits - жизнерадостность, бодрость ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. животное; зверь domestic animals —- домашние животные fur-bearing animals —- собир. пушной зверь dumb animal —- бессловесная тварь 2. млекопитающее 3. животное, зверь, скотина 4. животная природа, животное начало to rouse the animal in smb. —- пробудить в ком-л. зверя 5. разг. что-л. странное, необычное; штука the new airplane was a fast animal —- новый самолет был быстроходной штучкой there ain't no such animal! —- такого не бывает! 6. полимино 7. животный, относящийся к животному миру; анимальный animal life —- жизнь животных animal heat —- температура тела теплокровных животных animal hauling —- живое тягло, животная тяга animal bones —- костяная мука animal chemistry —- биохимия животных animal charcoal —- животный уголь animal worship —- поклонение животному; обожествление животных; культ животных 8. относящийся к животноводству, животноводческий animal breeder —- животновод animal farm —- животноводческое хозяйство, животноводческая ферма 9. неодобр. животный; физический, плотский; чувственный animal desires —- физические влечения animal nature —- животная природа, животное начало animal needs —- физиологические потребности animal fear —- животный страх animal breeding —- животноводство ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. Kermit, Muppet Show ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  животное – alpha animal – anamniotic animal – amniotic animals – articulated animals – beta animal – bilateral animals – bovine animals – carnivorous animal – chiropterous animals – chordate animals – clean animal – cloven-hoofed animal – coelomate animals – cold-blooded animal – control animal – conventional animal – cud-chewing animal – detritophagous animal – domestic animal – experimental animal – flower animals – four-footed animal – fur-bearing animal – game animal – germ-free animal – gnawing animals – graminivorous animal – hoofed animal – horned animal – hypothalamic animal – inbred animal – injurious animal – intact animal – jawless animals – jointed-footed animals – key-industry animals – mature animal – laboratory animal – many-celled animals – multiparous animal – naive animal – nonruminant animal – noxious animal – nuisance animal – omnivorous animal – organ-grafted animal – phosphorescing animal – preying animal – primed animal – reservoir animal – ruminant animal – segmented animals – semidomesticated animal – sentinel animal – solid-hoofed animal – spinal animal – splenectomized animal – stationary animal – stressed animal – stuffed animal – surveillance animal – susceptible animal – test animal – thalamic animal – trained animal – whole animal – wing-handed animals – wood-boring animal – young animal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  зоол. животное - cold-blooded animal - invertebrate animal - single-celled animal - vertebrate animal - wild animal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a living organism which feeds on organic matter, usu. one with specialized sense-organs and nervous system, and able to respond rapidly to stimuli. 2 such an organism other than man. 3 a brutish or uncivilized person. 4 colloq. a person or thing of any kind (there is no such animal). --adj. 1 characteristic of animals. 2 of animals as distinct from vegetables (animal charcoal). 3 characteristic of the physical needs of animals; carnal, sensual. Phrases and idioms animal husbandry the science of breeding and caring for farm animals. animal magnetism hist. mesmerism. animal spirits natural exuberance. Etymology: L f. animale neut. of animalis having breath f. anima breath ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Latin, from ~e, neuter of ~is animate, from anima soul — more at animate  Date: 14th century  1. any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation  2.  a. one of the lower ~s as distinguished from human beings  b. mammal; broadly vertebrate  3. a human being considered chiefly as physical or nonrational; also this nature  4. a person with a particular interest or aptitude a political ~  5. matter, thing the theater…is an entirely different ~ — Arthur Miller; also creature 1c  • ~like adjective  II. adjective  Date: 1615  1. of, relating to, resembling, or derived from ~s  2.  a. of or relating to the physical or sentient as contrasted with the intellectual or rational  b. sensual, fleshly  3. of or relating to the ~ pole of an egg or to the part from which ectoderm normally develops  Synonyms: see carnal  • ~ly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (animals) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. An animal is a living creature such as a dog, lion, or rabbit, rather than a bird, fish, insect, or human being. He was attacked by wild animals... He had a real knowledge of animals, birds and flowers. N-COUNT 2. Any living creature other than a human being can be referred to as an animal. Language is something which fundamentally distinguishes humans from animals. ...a habitat for plants and animals. N-COUNT 3. Any living creature, including a human being, can be referred to as an animal. Watch any young human being, or any other young animal. N-COUNT 4. Animal products come from animals rather than from plants. The illegal trade in animal products continues to flourish... ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a living creature such as a dog or cat, that is not an insect, plant, fish, or person  (farm animals | animal welfare/rights etc)  (campaigning for animal rights | animal products/protein/fats etc (=things that are made or come from animals)) 2 any living creature that is not a plant, including people  (Man is a highly intelligent animal.) 3 informal someone who behaves in a cruel, violent, or very rude way  (These football hooligans are just animals.) 4 a very/completely different animal informal something that is very different from the thing you have mentioned  (Communism in North Korea is a very different animal from the Eastern European model.) 5 a political/social animal etc informal someone who is interested in politics, in meeting other people etc ~2 adj only before noun animal urges/instincts etc human feelings, desires etc that are connected with sex, food, and other basic needs ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1541 (but rare before end of 16c., and not in K.J.V.), L. animale, neut. of animalis "living being, being which breathes," from anima "breath, soul," from PIE *ane- "to breathe." Drove out the older beast in common usage. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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